Developing Mathematician - Ages 15-16
Developing Mathematician - Ages 15-16
A package of high quality, tried and tested resources aimed at teaching mathematics to students aged 15-16.
In all hundreds of hours of activities, puzzles and other curriculum enhancement materials are available to print and use online at the click of a button.
Tarquin has been publishing for over 50 years. Resources we have produced have been used 10s of millions of times in the UK and Worldwide. Here's a way to access them that's convenient and cost-effective.
Options are available for schools and individual teachers, and schools wishing to take more than one package can do so at a substantial discount. Combine with other packages and save.
What you Get
The Developing Mathematician Collection comprises:
- The content of 30+ classic and new books available for immediate printing
- 10 Foundation GCSE Revision Books
- a mix of resources - including lots of enrichment for fast and slow learners
- at least 2 new books a year
- title and topic indexes
- simple PDF delivery method using Adobe Digital Editions
- discounts from all other Tarquin products of 20% for schools and 10% for individual purchasers
Developing Mathematician includes over 30 titles appropriate to the age group. To buy them would cost over £300..!
A list of titles in this package can be accessed from this page.
Schools: buy with a PO or by paying online.
Individual teachers, tutors and parents need to pay online except by arrangement.
Any questions? Contact us through the Chat function.
Buy with Other Packages and Save
Combine this package other packages and save.
See the list of options here
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